Ground Source Heat Pump Installers in Stoke

Ground Source Heat Pump Installation

Ground source heat pumps are a preferred choice for renewable energy, drawing heat from the ground to deliver eco-friendly heating solutions. Our team of ground source heat pump installers in Stoke specialises in creating efficient systems that not only reduce your carbon footprint but also generate potential earnings.

How Do Ground Source Heat Pumps Work?

Our team of engineers have years of experience in the design and installation of domestic and commercial ground source heat pumps to heat your property. They are compatible with the majority of modern heating systems and can be installed with virtually no impact on the environment.

Ground source heat pumps work by extracting heating from the ground. A large loop of pipe, known as a ground loop is placed in the ground or through a body of water – the pump then circulates a mixture of water and antifreeze around this loop.

The heat from the ground or water is absorbed into the fluid and then passes through a heat exchanger into the heat pump. The ground stays at a fairly constant temperature under the surface, this means that unlike some forms of renewable energy, heat pumps can be used throughout the year.

Lower Your Fuel Bills

Using ground source heat pumps significantly lowers your energy bills. By using the consistent thermal energy from the ground, these systems require less electricity and gas to heat your property efficiently, particularly when replacing older electric or oil heating systems.

Affordable and Efficient Renewable Energy

Lower Your Carbon Emissions

Opting for ground source heat pump installers in Stoke reduces your carbon emissions by minimising reliance on electricity and conventional fuels, making it an environmentally responsible choice.

No Fuel Deliveries Required

Since ground source heat pumps extract heat directly from the ground, they eliminate or drastically reduce the need for fuel deliveries, simplifying your heating logistics and further reducing your carbon footprint.

Minimal Upkeep Required

Systems installed by our ground source heat pump installers in Stoke are designed for maximum durability and efficiency, requiring minimal maintenance for a reliable, long-term heating solution.

Renewable Energy Solutions

We also provide renewable energy solutions including installation and maintenance of Air & Ground Source Heat Pumps and Biomass Boilers.